Keyword: Biofuels

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Novozymes: Producing More with Fewer Resources

11.09.2013 - Transition - The world is moving toward more sustainable solutions for almost all aspects of daily life, be it with effective detergents that clean clothes at low temperatures or...

Plant Construction & Process Technology

Enzymes as a Catalytic All Rounder

10.09.2013 - The Perfect Storm - More and more chemical and pharmaceutical companies are recognizing the need to make their processes more environmentally sustainable, a trend that is right at...


Opinion - U.S. Target Fails To Spur Synthetic Diesel

21.08.2013 - Technologies for producing synthetic diesel from waste have failed to step up to rapidly rising U.S. biofuel targets, leaving the long-term future of those targets further in doubt...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Bio Jet Fuel

06.08.2013 - Green Air Travel - Continuous growth of air traffic and its corresponding increase in CO2 emissions can be offset by high-quality bio jet fuels that meet all kerosene-related...


Clariant to Expand Second-generation Bioethanol Production

12.06.2013 - The specialty chemicals company Clariant is demonstrating the international potential of its process for manufacturing sustainable biofuel through the expansion of sunliquid...


Brazil Throws Troubled Ethanol Industry Tax Breaks, Credit

24.04.2013 - Brazil's government threw its sugar-ethanol industry a lifeline on Tuesday, by cutting taxes and sweetening credit for the struggling sector it hopes will resume investments in new...


New Duties on U.S. Ethanol to Boost EU Output

18.04.2013 - New anti-dumping duties against the United States will reshape the European Union's ethanol biofuel sector, creating opportunities for European producers and imports from Latin...


EU Regulators Approve Sinopec's European Storage Deal

08.03.2013 - EU competition regulators have cleared the acquisition of Dutch petroleum products and biodiesel storage firm Vesta Terminal by Chinese oil major Sinopec and Swiss-based energy...