Keyword: Chemical Logistics

Logistics & Supply Chain

TWS: Tank containers for every purpose and any product

09.05.2016 -

For the first time the Germany based TWS Tankcontainer-Leasing will be presenting its range of services in China at the transport logistic Shanghai 2016.

Logistics & Supply Chain

“Logistics as a Strategic Enabler”

12.04.2016 - Recently “Kompetenzgruppe Chemielogistik” did a new survey focusing on international chemical logistics. The survey reveals five important levers which the board of a chemical...

Logistics & Supply Chain

Harvesting the Sun

18.11.2015 -

A good film needs excitement, drama, heroes and a happy ending. The construction of the world’s largest thermal solar power plant in Morocco has all of these.

Markets & Companies


28.07.2015 - SQAS is widely recognized as a world-class system for the assessment of the safety, health, environment, quality and security performance of logistics service providers and...

Strategy & Management

Pharmalogistic Tendencies to a Patient Centric Distribution Network

05.06.2015 - CHEManager International: Camelot did a new survey in 2014-2015 about the topic pharma logistics. Now it is nearly finished. What has been one of the most surprising results? A...

Markets & Companies

Current and Future Trends for Pharmaceutical Logistics

06.05.2015 - A wind of change is in the air when it comes to logistics in the pharmaceutical industry. Although most companies are still quite optimistic with regard to the current business...

Logistics & Supply Chain

Tank Containers for Specific Customer Demands

30.04.2015 - Tank container use is common for transport or storage of liquid chemicals. A wide range of different tank containers is available for nearly every purpose. Very often, chemical...

Logistics & Supply Chain

Designing the Supply Chain

20.01.2015 - Elements of supply-chain (SC) design at Dow are a sound work process, modeling capability, resiliency study, customs and duties, and carbon footprint, which together will make the...