Keyword: chemical industry

Sites & Services

A Place To Thrive

05.06.2014 - Monitoring Maintenance - Based on a benchmarking study with nine chemical parks and chemical-related industrial parks in Germany described in part 1 of this series, part 2...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

New Opportunities for Process Chemical Producers

04.06.2014 - Refining and Petrochemicals - The golden age of refining which peaked in the first decade of this century is over. Now oil refining has become a far more complex operation. Since...

Strategy & Management

The Steep Climb Back to Profit

04.06.2014 - If Matthias Zachert mounted the steep steps to the new Lanxess headquarters on the Rhine River in Cologne, when returning to the German chemical producer as CEO on April l, he may...

Sites & Services

A Place To Thrive

10.05.2014 - Performance And Potential - Based on a benchmarking study with nine chemical parks and chemical-related industrial parks in Germany, this first part of the two-articles-series...

Strategy & Management

Maximum Return on Surplus and idle assets

09.05.2014 - Surplus and idle assets - Throughout industry, pressure to squeeze maximum return from each and every asset is intense. This principle drives process simplification and the focus...

Strategy & Management

Seven Steps to the Optimal Supply-Chain Organization

08.05.2014 - Look at the Big Picture - Supply-chain management is a widely discussed topic, and the chemicals industry is no exception. At some companies, this is because supply-chain costs -...

Markets & Companies

China’s rising salaries improve Europe’s competitiveness

08.05.2014 - Variety of Factors Influence Salaries - In the last 10 years, salaries in China have been rising at an average annual rate of about 14%. Though this rate has recently been somewhat...

Logistics & Supply Chain

Sustainability in chemical supply chains

07.05.2014 - Growing Green - The ongoing sustainability movement has become a hot topic in the business world and within broader society. Issues such as renewable resources, waste management...