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Control / Automation

Robust and Reliable - The Microwave Barrier VegaMIP 61

- The microwave barrier VegaMIP 61 is especially designed for the requirements and special needs of the bulk solids industry. Since the microwave barrier measures contactlessly...

Control / Automation

Radar Level Measurement with Vegapuls

- The optimized Vegapuls instrument series is making radar level measurement technology even more versatile and reliable. The completely redeveloped electronics enables faster, more...

Research / Laboratory

New Powder Flow Tester Features a Variety of Test Options

RheoTec Meßtechnik GmbH - The Powder Flow Tester delivers quick and easy analysis of powder flow behavior in industrial processing equipment. The Brookfield PFT is ideal for manufacturers who process...

Mechanical Processes

New Powder Flow Tester Features a Variety of Test Options

RheoTec Meßtechnik GmbH - The Powder Flow Tester delivers quick and easy analysis of powder flow behavior in industrial processing equipment. The Brookfield PFT is ideal for manufacturers who process...

Mechanical Processes

AS 200 jet: New Air Jet Sieving Machine

Retsch GmbH - The new air jet sieve AS 200 jet is particularly suitable for low density materials with particle sizes in the lower micron range. It is used with 203 mm (8'') sieves of 10 microns...

Mechanical Processes

Bulk Bag Weigh Batch Eductor System

- A new Bulk Bag Weigh Batch Eductor System from bulk solids handling specialists Flexicon, loosens bulk solid material that has solidified during storage and shipment, discharges...

Control / Automation

New Options for Emerson’s Rosemount 5300 GWR

Emerson Automation Solutions -

Emerson Process Management announces enhancements to the single probe offering of Rosemount 5300 Series Guided Wave Radar (GWR), extending its use into even more...

Control / Automation

Echotel 355: Ultra-Smart, Ultra-Friendly

Magnetrol European - The new Echotel 355 two-wire, loop-powered, non-contact ultrasonic transmitter of Magnetrol International measures liquid level, volume and open channel flow with unsurpassed...