Keyword: greenhouse gas emissions

Strategy & Management

Using Chemistry to Create Net-Zero Value Chains

13.06.2024 -

In this interview, Charlie Tan, CEO of the Global Impact Coalition (GIC), explains the initiative’s scope and describes some key activities.

Markets & Companies

On the Way to Climate Neutrality

03.06.2021 -

The EU Commission’s ambitious plan for a European Green Deal, launched shortly before the pandemic struck in early 2020, aims to make the continent the world’s first...


Trump’s Climate Deal Exit Disappoints Chemical Industry

04.06.2017 - The US chemical industry has expressed its disappointment over President Trump’s decision to exit the Paris climate change agreement. Under the landmark deal finalized in December...


Trump Seen as Bowing to Fossil Fuels Industry

30.11.2016 - As US president-elect and prior to that as a candidate, Donald Trump has taken many positions that dismay environmental advocates. The New York businessman turned politician, who...


CEFIC to Give Views on Europe’s ETS Reform

27.06.2016 - The European Parliament will hold an event on Jun. 28 to discuss and assess the impact of the Emissions Trading System (ETS) as it works towards gathering evidence to support the...


Environment MEPs Specify CO2 Targets

28.09.2015 - The European Parliament’s delegation to the COP 21 climate talks scheduled to be held in Paris from Nov. 30 to Dec.11 must call for a 40% cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, a...


EU Votes to Curb Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 40%

29.10.2014 - After months of discussion, the European Union's 28 member states have overcome their differences and agreed to cut greenhouse gas emissions by 40%, compared with 1990 levels, up...

Strategy & Management

European Chemical Industry: Hope Amid Economic Woes

28.10.2014 - The European chemical industry has reduced its forecast growth in chemicals output in 2014 in the face of evidence of an economic slowdown both in Europe and in the world's fast...