Keyword: glyphosate


ECHA Says Glyphosate not a Carcinogen

16.03.2017 - The European Chemicals Agency’s (ECHA) Committee for risk assessment, RAC, has cleared the chemical compound glyphosate – the active ingredient in herbicides such as Monsanto’s...


ACC Launches Website Critical of IARC

06.02.2017 - American Chemistry Council (ACC), the association representing US chemical producers, has launched a public campaign aimed at debunking claims made by the Lyon, France-based...


Bayer Says “No Plans” to Unleash GMOs on Europe

12.10.2016 - After absorbing Monsanto, which it has agreed to acquire for $66 billion, Bayer has no plans to force the US group’s GMO seeds portfolio on European farmers or consumers, its CEO...


EU Extends Glyphosate Permit for 18 Months

30.06.2016 - In a unilateral move on Jun. 29 the European Commission (EC) temporarily extended EU registration of glyphosate for 18 months, until the end of 2017. The EU’s governing body...


European Parliament Opposes GM-resistant Carnation

13.06.2016 - In two non-binding resolutions, the European Parliament has called on the European Commission (EC) to withdraw its authorizations for herbicide-resistant GM carnations and maize...


EU Committee Hung on Glyphosate Renewal

07.06.2016 - At its Jun. 6 meeting in Brussels, the EU’s Standing Committee on Plants, Animals, Food and Feed (Phytopharmaceuticals Section), the expert panel representing the 28 member states...


UK and US Scientists See no Harm in GM

27.05.2016 - With Bayer’s struggle for conquest of Monsanto and the ongoing dispute over the safety of genetic manipulation (GM) of crops dominating the headlines, scientific bodies in the UK...


EU Postpones Glyphosate Vote Again

20.05.2016 - Yet again, the European Commission has postponed a vote on extending the registration of glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup Ready seeds-to-herbicide program. The...