Blast at IQOXE in Tarragona Kills Three
16.01.2020 -
An explosion and fire at an ethylene oxide (EO) and derivatives plant owned and operated by petrochemicals producer Industrias Químicas del Óxido de Etileno (IQOXE) at Tarragona, Spain, killed one worker and initially injured eight others in the late hours of Jan. 14.
The ensuing fire raged into the morning hoursof Jan. 15 and a local hospital confirmed the death of a second worker from extensive burns later in the day.
According to reports, the explosion damaged a tank filled with 20 kg of EO, and shockwaves from the blast caused a building to collapse 2 km away, killing another man. Authorities said no toxic chemicals were measured in the atmosphere.
IQOXE, which is owned by Spain’s CL Grupo Industrial, said it has opened an internal investigation into the cause of the blast. “We deeply regret the loss of one of our co-workers and the suffering of those who are injured,” news agencies quote CEO José Luis as telling reporters.
The explosion took place in a part the complex that had begun operations in June 2017 and had been operating normally up to then, Morlanes added.
The affected facility may be one of several plants belonging to bankrupt PET producer La Seda de Barcelona that were acquired by Cristian Lay, a manufacturer of designer jewelry, watches and cosmetics, for only €15 million in 2014.