Chemistry & Life Sciences

OE-A Predicts a 19 Percent Increase in Sales Revenue for the Industry

In the organic and printed electronics industry, all signs continue to point to growth.

19.01.2015 -

The industry for organic and printed electronics can optimistically look to the future. The OE-A (Organic and Printed Electronics Association) is predicting an increase in sales revenue of 19 % for 2015. As a result of the the second OE-A business climate survey all signs point to growth. For the current year, expectations continue to be positive as well. The survey's respondents expect an increase in revenue of 10% for 2014. This is slightly below previous expectations (May survey: 16%). However: „At this point in the year, companies are able to turn in precise data", OE-A Chairman Dr. Stephan Kirchmeyer said in reference to the end of this year. "An increase in sales is a great result for the organic and printed electronics industry", he says - especially since the results are applicable to all areas, from material suppliers to end-users, and in all regions: Europe, Asia and the United States.

The positive sales forecasts for the upcoming year 2015 also affect other areas of business. 53% of the companies assume that their incoming orders will increase up to 20%. 47 % want to continue to invest into expansion of production. There is also a bright outlook for employees in the organic and printed electronics industry: 45 % of the companies want to hire additional employees in the upcoming six months. By way of comparison: in May that figure was only 23%. Furthermore, the survey participants want to continue to invest in R&D activities. 78% (May: 72%) expect general growth of the industry.

Thin, lightweight and flexible are characteristics of organic and printed electronics. These features enable applications in numerous areas. The industry's particular focus is on packaging and printing, consumer electronics, automotive, lighting, pharmaceuticals and energy.

The next OE-A Business Climate Survey will be published in March 2015 during the LOPEC main press conference.