Keyword: SIEFs

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Reach Offers Lessons for U.S. Chemicals Regulation

04.10.2013 - Borrowing From EU Approaches - The EU's Reach regulation (EC 1907/2006) enacted a comprehensive approach to chemicals, sweeping away four decades of legislation in 2007. All 31...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Reach In 2013

27.01.2012 - First Round - By Dec. 1, 2010, the European Chemical Agency (ECHA) had received approximately 25,000 registration dossiers for about 4,700 different chemical substances that are...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Toxic Substance Control Act in the U.S.

26.01.2011 - Legislation - Reach is just the tip of the iceberg. Albeit the European Union has set the pace for strengthening chemical legislation there is a lot of regulatory progress in the U...

Plant Construction & Process Technology

‘Reach’ Into The Future

05.10.2010 - 2013 Is Soon - Imagine this scenario: The Reach 2010 registration deadline has successfully passed for the company, and everyone puts Reach aside and returns to their previous...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Reaching Out, Working Together

13.08.2010 - Exchanging Information - The first deadline for Reach registration is approaching fast. This process requires that future registrants work together in Substance Information...