- Chemical distribution is and will continue to be a vibrant and professional industry that has demonstrated its strength by overcoming challenges and emerging intact despite the...
- It is on everyone's lips: Since Jan. 1, K-REACh has been the law in South Korea. With this implementation, the global chemical industry faces a list of new requirements. The good...
- Every Player Counts - By now, everyone in the chemical industry is aware of REACH and in the best-case scenarios, every player knows what is expected of them under the law. But it...
- Best Practice Solutions - After the enforcement of the Regulation (EC) No. 1907/2006 (Reach) in 2007, and now after the end of the first registration deadline in 2010, the...
- 2013 Is Soon - Imagine this scenario: The Reach 2010 registration deadline has successfully passed for the company, and everyone puts Reach aside and returns to their previous...
- REACH & CLP are forcing all companies putting chemical products on the EU market to recreate all SDS's according to the new REACH SDS format! For more than 20 years Atrion has...