Keyword: REACh


ECHA Becomes Multilingual

15.03.2010 - By now ECHA has published some of the guidelines regarding Regulation (EC) No 1907/2006 of the European parliament and the European council of 18.12.2006 for Registration...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Reach and CLP Compliance in Supply Chain

09.03.2010 - 30.11.2010, 1.12.2010 and 3.1.2011 - These three coinciding dates are the deadlines that European companies manufacturing, importing or otherwise dealing with chemicals must meet...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Beyond Animal Testing

08.03.2010 - Changing Times - For more than 50 years, animals have been used as human surrogates in studies designed to evaluate the safety of new drugs, chemicals, and personal care products...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Working Toward a Cleaner Future

08.03.2010 - Clean Thinking - It is through its Agenda for Responsible and Sustainable Cleaning that the International Association for Soaps, Detergents and Maintenance Products (A.I.S.E.)...


REACHLaw Wins Finnish Internationalization Award

04.02.2010 - Finland's President Tarja Halonen has awarded the environmental service company REACHLaw a 2009 Internationalization Award. The objective of the award is to encourage businesses to...

Sites & Services

Chemicals Made In Europe

21.01.2010 - The last year has been a challenge for the world economy to say the least. On top of this chemical companies in Europe are having to deal with the implementation of REACH and other...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Information Requirements

15.12.2009 - Alternative Methods - Compilation of dossiers that contain hazards and risks of chemicals have been required for previous chemical regulatory schemes, however, Reach brings a...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Problems Pre-programmed

15.12.2009 - Regulation Rumbling - Reach now impacts not only the chemical industry, but also downstream users of chemicals, which are already under the control of other regulations creating...