Keyword: REACh

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Chemical Regulatory Updates in Taiwan

06.03.2014 - Registration And Safety - Revision of the Toxic Chemical Substance Control Act (TCSCA) in Taiwan has attracted attention from the chemical industry recently because a new REACH...


REACh Review Given a Mixed Response

11.02.2014 - Regulation - The European Commission's review of REACh has concluded that there is no need for any major changes in the legislation -at least for the moment. This has been welcomed...

Strategy & Management

Product Stewardship in the Cloud

16.01.2014 - Up In The Clouds - Product safety specifications are increasing sharply around the world, and industrial enterprises must list the material composition of their products precisely...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

European Chemicals Agency and The Appeals Process

16.12.2013 - Little-Known Step - More than six years after the REACH regulation went into force, perhaps the least-known part of the regulation is the Board of Appeal (BoA) of the European...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

REACH and Chemical Distributors

16.12.2013 - Every Player Counts - By now, everyone in the chemical industry is aware of REACH and in the best-case scenarios, every player knows what is expected of them under the law. But it...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Phthalates and their Alternatives

24.10.2013 - Better, Or Just Different? - As the world moves away from using phthalates because of their association with human health effects, making sure their replacement alternatives are...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

High Phthalates and the Road Ahead

24.10.2013 - Not All Created Equal - The European plasticizers market has evolved considerably in the last decade, moving away from classified low phthalates to nonclassified high phthalates...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Reach Offers Lessons for U.S. Chemicals Regulation

04.10.2013 - Borrowing From EU Approaches - The EU's Reach regulation (EC 1907/2006) enacted a comprehensive approach to chemicals, sweeping away four decades of legislation in 2007. All 31...