Keyword: oil production


BP Says Not Deal Yet on TNK-BP Stake Sale

22.10.2012 - British oil company BP said on Monday it had yet to reach an agreement on the sale of its 50% stake in Russian venture TNK-BP to state-run Rosneft. "BP confirms it is in advanced...


TNK-BP Oligarchs Try to Dodge Rosneft

09.10.2012 - The billionaires who co-own Russian oil venture TNK-BP and want to buy out partner BP have told the British company they would rather sell their half of the $50 billion business...


Companies See Alaska LNG Project Cost at up to $65 Billion

05.10.2012 - A pipeline and plant that would ship natural gas from Alaska's North Slope to international markets could cost between $45 billion and $65 billion, according to the companies...


Kazakhstan Plans to Start Refining Crude in China

04.10.2012 - Kazakhstan plans to begin processing some of its crude oil in China this year to make up for a shortfall in domestic refining capacity, a senior government official said on...


AAR to Make "Competitive" TNK-BP Offer to BP

04.10.2012 - The billionaire quartet that owns half of TNK-BP, will make a "competitive" offer for BP's 50 % stake in the Anglo-Russian oil firm by Oct. 17, German Khan, one of the tycoons in...


U.S. Shale Boom a Boon for Asian Crude Importers

03.10.2012 - Asian oil importers will pay lower premiums for their shipments as a shale oil boom diverts more barrels from the United States to the world's biggest net oil buying region over...


Total Targets Africa for Ambitious Output Growth

24.09.2012 - French oil group Total is banking on a string of African projects to help fuel a 25% rise in output over the next five years, with growth accelerating after 2015 to top 3 million...


Iraqi Kurdistan Sees Itself as Home to Oil Majors

19.09.2012 - Iraqi Kurdistan sees itself soon becoming a major energy player hosting the world's biggest oil companies - including one that may tap part of Iraq's giant Kirkuk oilfield - and...