- Petroleum is a limited resource and if we keep using it global warming will accelerate. Since this realization has filtered in the quest for alternatives has begun. Shale gas and...
- US chemical producers who have invested heavily in environmentally friendly cooling products have criticized a 3-2 US federal appeals court ruling this month, which said the...
- US President Donald Trump’s announcement of the American withdrawal from the Paris Accord is not the only threat to achieving the ambitious targets of the climate agreement and may...
- With the shock waves from 2016’s most unanticipated events – Brexit and the election of Donald Trump as US president – still reverberating, the earth sometimes seems to be tilting...
- Just as the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has been battening down the hatches and tying up regulatory loose ends before the administration of President-Elect Donald...
- US-based Chemours is spending $230 million to build a manufacturing plant for hydrofluoroolefin (HFO) 1234yf, a new refrigerant with extremely low global warming potential (GWP)...
- The European chemical industry has warned that doubts about proposed changes to the European Union’s carbon emissions trading system (ETS) could hold back investment in...
- The European Parliament’s delegation to the COP 21 climate talks scheduled to be held in Paris from Nov. 30 to Dec.11 must call for a 40% cut in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030, a...