Keyword: Fracking


OPEC Acknowledges Shale Oil Supply May Be Significant

08.11.2012 - OPEC acknowledged for the first time on Thursday that technology for extracting oil and gas from shale is changing the global supply picture significantly, and said demand for...


Unconventional US Oil, Gas Boom Expected to Create 1.3 Million Jobs

23.10.2012 - The U.S. oil and gas rush is cutting into jobless numbers, supporting a total of 1.7 million jobs this year, a number that will swell to almost 3 million by 2020, a leading...


U.S. Shale Boom a Boon for Asian Crude Importers

03.10.2012 - Asian oil importers will pay lower premiums for their shipments as a shale oil boom diverts more barrels from the United States to the world's biggest net oil buying region over...


US Judge Dismisses New York's Anti-Drilling Lawsuit

25.09.2012 - A federal judge in Brooklyn dismissed a lawsuit on Monday brought by New York state and environmental groups challenging proposed natural gas drilling in the Delaware River basin...


Australia's Victoria State Bans Coal Seam Gas "Fracking"

24.08.2012 - Australia's southeastern state of Victoria on Friday put a hold on hydraulic fracturing, a technique used to produce hard-to-reach gas deposits, and a halt on new coal seam gas...


Frackers in Frantic Search for Guar Bean Substitutes

13.08.2012 - Oil and gas companies are racing to find a new substitute for India's guar bean, a key ingredient used in hydraulic fracturing, the drilling technology that has revolutionized the...

Strategy & Management

Every Drop Counts

20.07.2012 - Drop by Drop - Recycling holds the key to sustainable use of industrial process water. Closed-loop water management reduces water consumption, provides a basis for material...


U.S. Needs Federal Fracking Rules - Interview

26.06.2012 - Defending the Obama administrations drive for federal regulation of fracking, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar said on Monday that the United States must toughen up its rules...