Keyword: EU


EP Calls for Controls on Palm Oil Imports

11.04.2017 - In a resolution adopted by 640 votes to 18 with 28 abstentions, the European Parliament (EP) has called for the EU to tighten up on imports of palm oil due to its unstainable...


Syngenta-ChemChina Deal Clears US and EU

06.04.2017 - Within two days, one of the three mega mergers influencing in major part the agrochemicals sector moved two steps closer to becoming reality. On Apr. 4-5, the US Federal Trade...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Going Digital

03.04.2017 - In this digital era, in which suppliers, distributors, business partners and customers are each time more interconnected and linked to other networks around the world, the...


Brexit Should Not Weaken EU, Says VCI

29.03.2017 - Brexit negotiations set to begin now that the UK has triggered Article 50 of the EU Treaty, regulating its exit, should not further weaken the European Union and put its...


CEFIC Identifies Ways to Improve REACH

29.03.2017 - The EU's chemicals legislation REACH – in force for ten years and now undergoing its second review – is functioning relatively well, but there is room for improvement, Erwin Annys...


EU Commission Greenlights DowDuPont

28.03.2017 - The European Commission (EC) on Mar. 27 approved the proposed $130 billion merger of Dow Chemical and DuPont into DowDuPont after the companies made promises to sell substantial...


MEPs Take on EU Drug Pricing

06.03.2017 - At a plenary session last week, the European Parliament (EP) discussed the trend toward rising drug prices in the EU over the past few decades and drafted proposals for dealing...


EU Council Stakes out ETS Position

03.03.2017 - The EU Council of Ministers has agreed its general approach to the review of the emissions trading system (ETS) as one of the planned steps toward fulfilment of Europe’s commitment...