Keyword: EU


U.S. Shale Gas Revolution Throws Down the Gauntlet to Europe

04.02.2013 - The United States is enjoying an energy bonanza thanks to shale gas, making it a magnet for industry, reducing import dependence and challenging Europe as it battles to dig itself...


German Upper House Passes Resolution to Tighten Fracking Rules

02.02.2013 - Germany's upper house of parliament passed a resolution on Friday urging Chancellor Angela Merkel's government to tighten the rules for controversial modern drilling techniques, or...


EU Regulators Charge J&J, Novartis Over Dutch Painkiller Delay

31.01.2013 - EU antitrust regulators stepped up their fight against companies blocking the market entry of cheaper generic medicines, with charges against Johnson & Johnson and Novartis over a...


Canadian Crude Reaches Europe as U.S. Shale Oil Booms

22.01.2013 - The United States now gets so much crude from its own shale deposits that Canadian exporters are selling as far afield as Europe, showing how deeply the U.S. energy revolution is...


Syngenta, Bayer Pesticides Pose Honeybee Threat

17.01.2013 - Three widely-used pesticides made by Switzerland's Syngenta and Germany's Bayer pose an acute risk to honeybees, the European Union's food safety watchdog said on Wednesday, but...


Lundbeck's Alcohol Dependency Drug Gets EU Green Light

18.12.2012 - A novel drug to fight alcohol dependency was given a green light by European regulators on Friday, providing a boost to Danish drugmaker Lundbeck at a time when its top product...


EU Agency Rejects Sanofi, Isis Cholesterol Drug

18.12.2012 - European regulators recommended against approval of Sanofi and Isis Pharmaceutical's Kynamro drug for treatment of a rare genetic disorder that causes unusually high cholesterol...


Britain Lifts Shale Gas Ban, Imposes Tighter Rules

13.12.2012 - Britain lifted its ban on shale gas exploration on Thursday as it aims to become a European leader in a sector that has transformed the U.S. energy market and counter a fall in the...