Keyword: EU REACH legislation

Chemistry & Life Sciences

New Deal to Boost Competitiveness

19.03.2025 -

The EU Green Deal has hurt Europe's industry. The Clean Industrial Deal aims to improve this, but a change of mindset at the Commission is needed.


Denmark Drops Plans for Go-it-Alone Phthalates Ban

18.07.2014 - Denmark has, at least temporarily, abandoned plans proposed two years ago to restrict the use of phthalates in plasticisers beyond the rules already stipulated by the EU's REACH...


BASF Opposes Extension of HBCD Flame Retardants

20.06.2014 - BASF has expressed its opposition to EU extension of permission to use hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) flame retardants - used mainly to fireproof polystyrene foam - as sought by...