Keyword: Cleanrooms

Research & Innovation

Going Green in the Cleanroom

03.06.2024 -

Have you heard of “Earth Overshoot Day”? This marks the day in the year when we have consumed all the natural resources that the planet is capable of generating in a year...

Research & Innovation

Disinfectant Residues

30.05.2023 -

Cleanroom residues can be generated by the process, raw materials, certainly by people but a significant contributor to the residues in a cleanroom are the disinfectants...

Research / Laboratory

SaaS platform for the management of GMP data

MyCellHub NV -

When the company’s co-founders were PhD researchers, they saw the huge amount of paperwork that went into every batch record and thought there must be a better way.

Contamination Control

Validating a disinfectant

Contec, Inc. -

The choice, qualification and validation of a disinfectant for use within a critical or cleanroom environment is crucial and will form part of a pharmaceutical...

Research & Innovation

2021 ISPE

07.06.2021 -

The International Society for Pharmaceutical Engineering (ISPE) have announced the 2021 Facility of the Year Awards (FOYA) Category Winners—including two winners of...

Research & Innovation

Disinfectant residues in cleanrooms

25.03.2021 -

EU Annex 1 which specifies guidance for the manufacture of sterile medicinal products is currently in the process of being rewritten. The current 16-page document will be...

Research & Innovation

Virucidal Testing of Cleanroom Disinfectants

11.01.2021 -

In “normal” times, with the exception of live vaccine manufacturers, control of viruses in cleanrooms is not usually the highest priority within contamination control.

Research & Innovation

Going green in the Cleanroom !

02.11.2020 -

“Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” is not just a concept; it is critical to the future of our planet. Much of the waste we generate is single-use plastic and since 1950, when...