Keyword: BioCampus Straubing


And the Winners are: Cynio, EnaDyne and Green Li-ion

24.01.2025 -

The CHEManager Innovation Pitch, the start-up promotion initiative of CHEManager and CHEManager International, has given more than 100 start-ups from over 15 countries...


And the Winners Are: PipePredict, AllocNow and Ferr-Tech

27.01.2023 -

The Dutch start-up Ferr-Tech scored in all categories and with all jury members at the CHEManager Innovation Pitch 2022 and received the most votes overall.

Regions & Locations Guide 2015

09.11.2015 - When looking for a location to invest in a production facility, a research center or an office building, companies need to consider numerous factors. There is an increasing...

Sites & Services

Regions & Locations Guide 2015

30.10.2015 - Print edition as epaper. Content: WORLD The Chemical Quotient New Measure to Compare Locations for Chemical Investments Dr Kai Pflug, Management Consulting – Chemicals Chemical...

Sites & Services

Bavaria’s “Region of Renewable Raw Materials”

28.10.2015 - Straubing is the Region of Renewable Raw Materials. Here, the Free State of Bavaria is clustering its activities and expertise regarding research, education, innovation...

Sites & Services

Bioeconomy grows in Bavaria’s “Region of Renewable Raw Materials”

06.10.2015 - Straubing is the Region of Renewable Raw Materials. Here, the Free State of Bavaria is clustering its activities and expertise regarding research, education, innovation...