- Bayer and US drug developer Regeneron Pharmaceuticals have agreed to jointly develop a combination therapy of the angiopoietin2 (Ang2) antibody nesvacumab and vascular endothelial...
- Pointing to deaths in clinical drug trials every month since December 2015 worldwide, the US Center for Responsible Science (CRS), a nonprofit advocacy group pushing for “more...
- The governors of three US states have asked the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to help with additional drinking water testing and analysis in communities exposed to...
- Major US chemicals and plastics distributor Nexeo Solutions is merging with WL Ross Holding (WLRH), a New York-based private equity firm, in a deal valued at nearly $1.6 billion...
- Kemira is expanding sodium chlorate capacity in Joutseno, Finland, to meet rising demand from the pulp industry. Construction of a new line and cell room based on Kemira’s own...
- German minerals producer Kali+Salz (K+S) has announced it will have to temporarily suspend potash production at its sites at Hattorf and Unterbreizbach from Apr. 1 and introduce...
- With the first shipments of liquefied shale gas-derived ethane due to arrive in Scotland sometime in the second half of 2016 – the most recent estimate is for an August delivery –...
- PPG Industries knows better than most the challenges of storing solvents. Founded in 1883 in Pittsburgh, the company operates globally in nearly 70 countries, and is a world leader...
- French drug maker Sanofi has appointed Dr. Yong-Jun Liu, one of the world's most prolific researchers in immunology, as Head of Research, Global R&D, effective April 1, 2016. Dr...
- French firms Novasep and GTP Technology are combining their services and expertise to advance production of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs). The partnership is particularly targeting...