Lanxess Disinfectant Kills Covid Fast, Study Shows
US analysis lab Microbac Laboratories carried out the study on Lanxess’ behalf in accordance with US Environmental Protection Agency-compliant test methods for products intended for virucidal hard surface disinfection.
Lanxess said the Rely On Virkon disinfectant achieved rapid and complete inactivation of the virus at a dilution ratio of 1:100 in just 60 seconds and at an economical 1:600 in-use dilution with a 1- minute contact time.
As the company explains, corresponding efficacy data must be provided for disinfectants that claim to combat SARS-CoV-2, and Microbac is one of the few testing laboratories worldwide certified by the US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to compile the data.
As neither a vaccine nor generally approved medications is currently available to fight the novel coronavirus, disinfection remains a highly important means to help prevent the spread of this life-threatening respiratory illness, said Anneliese Bischof, business director Disinfection at Lanxess.
Diluted in water, Bischof said, the powder disinfectant concentrate applied as a spray on non-medical hard surfaces and equipment helps reduce the risk of cross-contamination from surfaces, door handles, tables or chairs at public transport terminals, airports, hospitals, clinics or shopping malls, for example.
The Lanxess Material Protection Products business unit offers a wide range of disinfection technologies under the Rely On and Virkon brand.