
Fujifilm Completes New Semiconductor Materials Plant in South Korea

18.06.2024 - Fujifilm hast completed the construction of a new factory for advanced semiconductor materials in Pyeongtaek City, Korea. The new factory will produce color filter materials for image sensors. The new factory is scheduled to be fully operational by the end of December 2024.

Image sensors are semiconductors that convert light into electrical signals for visual display and are used in digital cameras, smartphones and other electronic devices. Fujifilm said that the image sensor market is expected to grow at an annual rate of approximately 7% as applications expand into autonomous driving, security equipment such as surveillance cameras, and AR/VR equipment.

Fujifilm currently produces color filter materials for image sensors in Shizuoka, Japan as well as in Hsinchu, Taiwan. The company is also moving ahead with installing color filter materials production equipment at its site in Kumamoto, Japan.

The new factory will be equipped with state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities and quality evaluation equipment. According to Fujifilm, the production and quality assurance structure will be at the same level as the existing sites in Shizuoka and Hsinchu as well as the Kumamoto site which is scheduled to start operations in the spring of 2025.

In the future, the company will also seek to produce other advanced semiconductor materials at the new factory to accelerate the timely market introduction of new products that meet customer needs.