Keyword: technology

Markets & Companies

Transforming Coatings Through Innovation

23.03.2015 - In February 2013, the Carlyle Group completed its acquisition of DuPont's Performance Coatings business for US$4.9 billion. Upon becoming an independent company, the business was...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Bio Jet Fuel

06.08.2013 - Green Air Travel - Continuous growth of air traffic and its corresponding increase in CO2 emissions can be offset by high-quality bio jet fuels that meet all kerosene-related...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

M&A in the Chemicals & Materials Sector in the First Half of 2012

25.09.2012 - Mergers & Acquisitions - Recently, Squire Sanders commissioned a report from their partners at Mergermarket on mergers and acquisitions activity in the chemicals and industrials...


Future Manufacturing Concepts

12.06.2012 - The UN-Year 2012 is themed "International Year of Sustainable Energy for all" and focuses on the reduction of global energy consumption by about 40 % until 2030. In order to reach...


New Facilities Spotlight Next-generation Biofuels

20.05.2012 - After a decade of promise, advanced biofuels makers are entering a crucial make-or-break period with the first of a new generation of production facilities about to come on line...


BTS' Dr. Dirk Van Meirvenne on Functional Growth

13.04.2011 - Clear Vision - Bayer Technology Services (BTS) supports the Bayer subgroups and external customers with the development of production processes and products as well as with the...