Keyword: REACh


Letter Reveals EU Fight Over Toxic Chemicals

12.05.2011 - European chemical companies have warned the watchdog that oversees them that it could face legal action if it publishes the names of manufacturers of the most toxic substances in a...


EU Agency Sued For Transparency On Toxic Chemicals

10.05.2011 - Two environmental groups said on Monday they had sued Europe's chemicals watchdog for withholding information about the production of toxic chemicals. The lawsuit, filed by...


The EFCG is Pushing Its Agenda Forward During Complex Times

14.04.2011 - Tony Scott credits Hovione CEO Guy Villax with coining the phrase, "saints and sinners" when referring to the notoriously uneven playing field in the world of API and excipient...


SOCMA Gives Smaller Chemical Companies a Voice

13.04.2011 - As anyone who has ever tried to shout at a player during a soccer game surely knows, it's almost impossible to for a relatively small voice to be heard in the middle of a crowd -...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Toxic Substance Control Act in the U.S.

26.01.2011 - Legislation - Reach is just the tip of the iceberg. Albeit the European Union has set the pace for strengthening chemical legislation there is a lot of regulatory progress in the U...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

A Long Way Ahead

06.10.2010 - On The Mend — As Europe pulls out of the worst recession in most people's memory, the local plastics industry is taking stock and preparing for the future. K 2010 seems to come at...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Isolated Intermediate Registration

06.10.2010 - Just a Reach away - Focusing on a smart registration approach, any company should assess the option - especially in the last months remaining of the Tier 1 REACh registration...

Plant Construction & Process Technology

‘Reach’ Into The Future

05.10.2010 - 2013 Is Soon - Imagine this scenario: The Reach 2010 registration deadline has successfully passed for the company, and everyone puts Reach aside and returns to their previous...