Keyword: Deepwater Horizon


How Would Penalties Apply To The Gulf Oil Spill?

16.06.2010 - With the U.S. government doubling its estimate of oil coming out of the broken well on the sea floor of the Gulf of Mexico, companies linked to the spill, including BP, face...


BP Accused Of Repeated Shortcuts, Obama Tours Gulf

15.06.2010 - U.S. lawmakers accused BP on Monday of taking risky and repeated shortcuts on its blown-out Gulf of Mexico oil well, while President Barack Obama pressed the energy giant to...


BP Faces Another Tough Week Despite Well Progress

07.06.2010 - BP faces another difficult week of tough questions from investors and U.S. lawmakers despite making progress in capturing an increasing amount of oil spewing from a ruptured Gulf...


BP Lays Out New, Riskier Move To Cut Flow Of Oil

02.06.2010 - BP started sawing extraneous pipes on Tuesday at the seabed site of its latest attempt to corral oil leaking from a ruptured well in the Gulf of Mexico. Moving past its failed "top...


U.S. Has Launched Criminal Probe Into BP Spill

02.06.2010 - The U.S. government has launched a widely expected criminal and civil investigation into BP’s massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said on...


Few Seen Dodging Market Mauling Of Drilling Stocks

02.06.2010 - A market mauling of oil and gas drilling-exposed stocks due to the Gulf of Mexico's persistent leak and resulting deepwater drilling moratorium has left only a few safe bets to...


Gulf Oil Spill Threat Widens, BP Shares Drop

31.05.2010 - Oil from BP's out-of-control Gulf of Mexico oil spill could threaten the Mississippi and Alabama coasts this week, U.S. forecasters said on Monday, as public anger surged over the...


BP, Obama Face Clamor to Halt Oil Spill

30.05.2010 - U.S. lawmakers and the American public clamored on Sunday for BP and the Obama administration to do more to save the U.S. Gulf Coast from an out-of-control oil spill that one...