- Die Beumer Group bietet die Form-Fill-Seal-Anlage Fillpac FFS nun sowohl für den Hochleistungsbereich für bis zu 2.600 Säcke als auch für geringere Durchsätze ab 1.800 Säcke in der...
- BASF und Mazza Innovation haben eine exklusive, langfristige Liefervereinbarung unterzeichnet. Das kanadische Unternehmen für pflanzliche Extrakte wird BASF mit spezifischen...
- Die EPC Group erhält den Auftrag von Hainan Huasheng New Material Technology für eine Polycarbonat-Anlage auf der chinesischen Insel Hainan. Die geplante Anlage mit einer Kapazität...
- #achema2018 - An inherent yet efficient heat exchange system that will neither add on to the physical stresses of the material of construction nor stress the economics of the...
- #achema2018 - “Jack of All Trades is the Master of None”, is what they often say. But, have you ever met the “Master of All Trades?” At Sulzer, a multinational and diverse team of...
- #achema2018 - Ever wondered how the flow of a viscous liquid can be made turbulent? Does there exist an arrangement that would enhance the heat transfer coefficient without...
- #achema2018 - While CO2 capture from ambient air is a technology that has set minds on fire, the treatment of waste flue gas emissions from an industrial unit is equally crucial...
- #achema2018 - All of us have had the privilege of relishing fresh and chilled juices on a hot summer afternoon. Or we definitely would have taken due advantage of adhesives for...
- #achema2018 - We have often heard people say, “Nature is the best rector”, but the fascinating fact that it has also offered the optimal design for a micro-reactor has stunned many...
- #achema2018 - Have you ever imagined that the omnipresent CO2 naturally present in the atmosphere can be harnessed as a resource, contrary to warming up the environment? The...