Keyword: Digitalization

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Going Digital

03.04.2017 - In this digital era, in which suppliers, distributors, business partners and customers are each time more interconnected and linked to other networks around the world, the...

Logistics & Supply Chain

U-Turn in the Supply Chain

03.04.2017 - Industry 4.0, Big Data, SMAC (social, mobile, analytics and cloud technologies) — these buzzwords all point to one thing: the digitalization trend. This development means...

Logistics & Supply Chain

It All Starts with Chemistry

03.04.2017 - Reviewing the list of the world’s top chemical companies will confirm “the chemical industry touches all other industries.” You will see the inventors of Aspirin, Teflon, Saran...


Evonik Establishes Digital Subsidiary

14.02.2017 - German chemical producer Evonik is kick-starting its entry to the digital business world with a new wholly owned new subsidiary, Evonik Digital, aimed at developing new digital...

Logistics & Supply Chain

Digitalization is changing supply chains in the healthcare industry

12.05.2016 - Health care sets high requirements for logistics service providers. Particularly pharmaceuticals have high product values and strict legal regulations, which must be fulfilled...