- Dr. Günter von Au, CEO of Süd-Chemie, Munich/Germany, and Peter Bahnsuk Kim, Vice Chairman and CEO of LG Chem, Ltd., Seoul/Korea, have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to...
- Chinese Overview - Throughout the year 2011, we covered several aspects of the chemical industry in China, ranging from R&D cooperation to strategy development and the tendency of...
- Nature's Building Block - It looks like that the time of cheap oil is over. The challenge of this century will be the exploitation of alternative resources to secure growth and...
- Road To Recovery - The specialty chemicals sector has proven to be more resilient than most process industries to the negative effects of the economic downturn. Today, the recovery...
- Discussion On Sustainability - Biomass is booming. It is one of the most important sources of renewable energy and will play an important role in tomorrow's energy supply as an...
- Groundbreaking Project - When planning a new chemical plant, the engineers at Chemplast Sanmar had to consider many aspects such as safety, quality, efficiency, law and the...
- Finding The Cause - Accidents can happen anytime and anywhere. Dr. Prof. Franz Schmalz at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Zurich has indentified four categories as the...
- Changing World - With its bounty of oil reserves, Saudi Arabia has established itself as a major player in the worldwide petrochemicals market. The country's largest public company...
- AkzoNobel has completed its acquisition of the coatings business of Korean SSCP. SSCP has a strong position in the Korean mobile phone market and also supplies coatings to the...
- North America's massive supplies of natural gas have brought new found wealth to the U.S. job market and are a bright spot in an otherwise struggling economy, a new report from...