European Logistics Association (ELA)

ELA, the European Logistics Association, is a federation of national logistics associations, covering almost every country in Europe and even a number outside of Europe. The members of these National Logistics Associations are professionals working in a logistics function, mainly in the industry but also in different service sectors. Throughout this network ELA reaches 55.000 professionals.

ELA aims to:

  • promote the logistics and supply chain profession by empowering the profesional competencies,
  • to provide an international forum for networking,
  • to promote innovation and best practices in the European logistics & supply chain field,
  • to exchange ideas, share knowledge and diseminate information within the network.

One of the most important fundamentals of ELA is ELA Certification, who manages the Standards of Competencies in Logistics and Supply Chain aiming for a harmonised level of qualification in logistics and supply chain.



European Logistics Association (ELA)

Handelsstraat – Rue du Commerce 77
1040 Brussels