Keyword: chemical industry

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Roles Under REACh (part 2)

19.01.2015 - There is a chemical company in southwestern Germany. As Germany is part of the European Union, REACh is part of daily business, and the company has registration obligations for all...

Strategy & Management

Camelot’s Pharma Management Radar

19.01.2015 - Despite a positive estimation of the current business climate and an increasing number of products in the pipeline, the global pharmaceutical industry is looking for ways to...

Markets & Companies

Ineos Still Bullish on Shale Gas

17.01.2015 - As the UK government's push to repeat the US shale gas boom on its own soil moved up a notch in late 2014 with the sale of exploration licenses, Ineos revealed plans to expand...

Markets & Companies

How now, Jim Ratcliffe?

17.01.2015 - With prices for crude oil now below $60 a barrel, analysts are questioning the viability of many shale projects. But while the breathtaking price plunge may have Saudi sheiks and...

Strategy & Management

Mastering the Demographic Time Bomb

26.11.2014 - Organizations are reliant on their ability to embrace expertise and achieve competitive differentiation. However, the process industries are sitting on a 'demographic time bomb'...

Logistics & Supply Chain

Optimized Transports in Chemical Companies

26.11.2014 - A lean transportation structure and an optimal allocation - in cost and service aspects - of logistics service providers enable companies to reduce their transportation and...

Logistics & Supply Chain

‘Transportation Is a Critical Bottleneck’

25.11.2014 - During the last decade especially, globalization has resulted in stretched supply chains and increased risk. Because of the inherent lack of control across the multiple external...

Plant Construction & Process Technology

From Experts for Experts

25.11.2014 - In the global marketplace, innovation and continuous development are essential for companies in the process industry. In particular, at the technological interface a great deal is...