
Polymer Applications with Lohtragon B42: Enhancing Polymer Performance in Diverse Industries

Lohtragon B42 – based on specialized anhydrous tricalcium citrate – is a versatile additive enhancing polymer properties across various applications by acting as blowing agent, nucleating agent, and antioxidant/acid scavenger. Each function contributes unique benefits to the polymer performance.

Blowing Agent

As a blowing agent, Lohtragon B42 decomposes under specific conditions, releasing gases that form bubbles within the polymer matrix. This creates a foam structure, resulting in lightweight materials with improved thermal and acoustic insulation. Industries like construction and packaging highly seek these properties in polymers such as polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), and polystyrene (PS).


  • Reduced density: Creates lightweight materials, reducing overall weight
  • Improved insulation: Enhances thermal and acoustic insulation properties
  • Cost efficiency: Lowers material costs by reducing density while maintaining performance
  • Enhanced impact resistance: Provides cushioning and protective qualities in packaging

Nucleating Agent

Lohtragon B42 is an effective nucleating agent, enhancing the crystallization process in polymers. Its use leads to improved mechanical properties, better clarity, faster processing times, and enhanced dimensional stability. This makes it valuable in the plastics industry for packaging, automotive parts, and household goods. It is typically used in polymer matrixes like polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), including HDPE and LDPE, and polyesters, covering polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polybutylene terephthalate (PBT). It also acts as nucleation agent to enhance the even distribution of cells when physical blowing agents are used. The high stability of Lohtragon B42 offers a wide processing window.


  • Enhanced mechanical properties: Increases tensile strength and stiffness
  • Improved clarity: Provides better optical properties in transparent polymers, leading to a clearer and more visually appealing final product
  • Reduced cycle times: Accelerates crystallization, shortening processing times
  • Dimensional stability: Reduces warping and shrinkage, ensuring better product consistency

Antioxidant / Acid Scavenger

As an antioxidant and acid scavenger, Lohtragon B42 enhances the stability and longevity of polymers by inhibiting oxidative degradation and neutralizing acidic by-products. This dual functionality is crucial for maintaining the mechanical and physical properties of polymer-based products across diverse industries. It is suitable for matrixes like polyoxymethylene (POM), polyethylene (PE), polypropylene (PP), and polyesters such as polyethylene terephthalate (PET) and polybutylene terephthalate (PBT).


  • Extended lifespan: Prevents oxidative and acid-induced degradation, prolonging polymer life
  • Maintained integrity: Preserves mechanical and physical properties over time
  • Improved durability: Enhances overall durability, making polymers more reliable
  • Cost efficiency: Reduces the need for multiple stabilizers, lowering formulation costs

Special Product Features

  • Special morphology: Supports a superior dispersion in granules and thus a better polymer quality
  • Low water content: Leads to homogenous dosing and mixing of polymer matrix
  • Declaration friendliness and regulatory compliance
  • High purity:
    • Low heavy metal levels, making it suitable for food contact requirements
    • Low iron content, enhancing polymer clarity by preventing discoloration
    • Low halogens, enabling longer machinery lifetimes


By incorporating Lohtragon B42 | based on anhydrous tricalcium citrate, manufacturers can produce high-performance, durable polymers for various industries. Its multifunctional characteristics make it an essential additive. As a blowing agent, it creates lightweight, insulated materials suitable for packaging, automotive, and construction applications. As a nucleating agent, it improves crystallization, leading to enhanced mechanical properties and reduced processing times. As an antioxidant and acid scavenger, it protects against oxidative and acid-induced degradation, extending the polymers durability and stability.

Connect with us for more information – we look forward to your inquiry!

Do you have further requirements in polymer applications? Have a look at our website section Lohtragon Polymer Additives and reach out to us.

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Lohtragon – A brand of Dr. Paul Lohmann

The Dr. Paul Lohmann GmbH & Co. KGaA is the world's leading manufacturer and developer of mineral and metal salts, headquartered in Emmerthal/Germany. The product portfolio covers over 400 different salts in more than 7,000 specifications. Dr. Paul Lohmann supplies its specialty salts worldwide to customers in the pharmaceutical industry, food sector, food supplements, cosmetics and – synergized under the Lohtragon brand – to customers in industrial applications.



Dr. Paul Lohmann GmbH & Co. KGaA

Hauptstr. 2
31860 Emmerthal

+49 (0)5155 63-5888
+49 (0)5155 63-5834