Research & Innovation

Decontaminate Gowned Cleanroom Operators In 20 Seconds

04.09.2024 - The revolutionary UV Booth is the only solution to achieve fast and efficient microbial decontamination of gowned personnel. With only a 20-second program, the UV Booth reduces the number of microbial excursions or deviations related to gowned cleanroom operators.

Human activity remains a significant challenge in maintaining the cleanliness and integrity of cleanroom environments. Despite the use of specialized cleanroom suits, rigorous time-consuming protocols, multiple operator training procedures and requalification, and air filtration systems, the introduction and generation of contamination from human-related factors is a persistent concern.

Preventing excursions or environmental deviations is a major focus in new cleanroom technologies. Until now, a significant challenge has been posed by the presence of pathogens in residual smaller particles, which remain viable and undermine cleanroom security. These viable particles, such as bacteria, bacterial spores, or fungal spores, find their way inside the cleanroom core via the operator gowns.

Revolutionary solution for cleanroom decontamination of gowned personnel

The UV Booth is available for high-grade cleanrooms, to be installed before reaching the cleanroom core. With only a 20-second cycle, the UV Booth reduces the number of excursions or deviations related to gowned cleanroom operators.

The UV Booth functions by decontaminating fully gowned operators before entry into cleanrooms, killing microbes on  gowning, masks, goggles, gloves, and other equipment. With a fully touchless interface, operators can step into the UV Booth and effortlessly initiate a fast and efficient decontamination process. After the 20-second program, gowning, masks, goggles, gloves and other equipment is fully decontaminated and the operator can now enter cleanrooms without the risk of introducing microbial contamination into graded areas. A game changer in cleanroom decontamination.

The innovative application of Far-UVC light, and thus, the UV Booth, holds the potential to further revolutionize decontamination practices. The use of 222 nm excimer lamps marks a significant step towards creating environments that are not only clean and contaminant-free but also safe for continuous human presence.


UV light at 222 nm is highly effective for inactivation of microorganisms. The antimicrobial effect of UV222 lamps has been measured and verified by independent studies and published in peer-reviewed journals. As an example, bacteria such as Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Salmonella typhimurium, and Staphylococcus aureus, fungi, or yeasts such as Candida albicans are strongly inactivated by this novel technology. With the UV Medico UV Booth, the contaminating bioburden is reduced by more than 99.9% in only 20 seconds.

The introduction of UV Medico’s UV222 booth in cleanrooms is a significant leap forward in maintaining cleanliness and safety while boosting productivity and efficiency. The enhanced germicidal efficacy of Far-UVC light, combined with continuous decontamination, reduces cleanroom excursions. This breakthrough technology not only helps to minimize contamination risks but also enhances employee safety, reduces environmental impact, and contributes to meeting stringent regulatory standards, such as the new EU Annex 1. The UV booth operates without affecting product quality, ensures patient safety, and allows production to continue uninterrupted even in case of a malfunction.

As the cleanroom industry continues to embrace this cutting-edge technology, we can expect cleaner and safer environments that will drive innovation and progress in various critical sectors. The advantages of a 222 nm UV Booth in cleanrooms are clear, and its implementation marks a new era of proactive and effective decontamination in controlled environments.

For more Information visit UV Medico on Cleanzone 2024, hall 1.2, booth B26



UV Medico A/S

Søren Frichs Vej 50
8230 Åbyhøj