Distribution & Logistics for the Chemical and Life Science Industries

A special issue of CHEManager and CHEManager International

12.09.2014 -

Chemical distributors and logistics companies play a crucial role in the supply chain of chemical and pharmaceutical products. Formulating, distributing and delivering chemical goods to converters or manufacturers has become a multi-billion-dollar business. CHEManager and CHEManager International have published the second edition of the English-language special supplement Distribution & Logistics for the Chemical and Life Science Industries. The issue features the following topics and articles:


  • Grow as a Stronger Industry - Times Ahead Represent an Unprecedented Opportunity for Chemical Distributors
    Dr. Uta Jensen-Korte and Edgar E. Nordmann, European Association of Chemical Distributors (FECC)
  • Formidable Winning Teams - How Chemical Distributors and their Principals can Capitalize on Future Business Opportunities
    Rafael Cayuela Valencia, Styron
  • Fit For The Future? - Key Drivers of Industry Dynamics and Their Influence on Specialty Chemicals Distribution
    Günther Eberhard, DistriConsult
  • Adding Value - Growing Market Opportunities and Strategic Options for Chemical Distributors
    Christian Hoffmann, Adam Rothman and Stefan Scholz, The Boston Consulting Group
  • Chemical Distributors and their Fight for Growth - How are Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises Dealing with the Issue of Growth and the Pressure to Consolidate?
    Peter Overlack, CEO, Overlack
  • Growth Opportunities in Distribution - Statements from leading industry heads


  • Sustainability in Chemical Supply Chains - A Close Look at the Current State and Ways Forward
    Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Stölzle and Marc Müller, University of St. Gallen
  • Simplify Planning Processes 20 - LEAN SCM: a Paradigm Shift in Supply-Chain Management in the Chemical Industry
    Dr. Josef Packowski, Camelot Consulting Group
  • Cost Of Compliance - Global Business with Global Regulatory Challenges
    Dr. Karl-Franz Torges, KFT Chemieservice
  • More Transparency, Less Cost - Second BVL Forum for Chemical Logistics Takes Place in Industriepark Höchst
    Interview with Thomas Schmidt and Jochen Schmidt, Infraserv Logistics
  • Complexity, Cooperation and Standardization in Logistics - Statements from leading industry heads


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