Keyword: Deepwater Horizon


U.S. To Issue New Drilling Ban, BP Enters Asset Talks

13.07.2010 - The Obama administration prepared a new moratorium on deepwater oil drilling on Monday, seeking to make the industry safer while protecting thousands of jobs during the worst spill...


BP in Talks to Sell Assets as Spill Costs Mount

13.07.2010 - BP is in talks with U.S. oil and gas company Apache Corp and others to sell assets worth up to $10 billion as it grapples with the costs of its spill in the Gulf of Mexico. BP...


BP Ready To Switch Caps On Gulf Leak

09.07.2010 - BP is ready to switch caps at the wellhead of the gushing Gulf of Mexico leak as part of an effort to capture more of the oil, the top official overseeing the spill response said...


BP Shares Rise as Company Says No Plan to Issue Stock

07.07.2010 - BP ruled out a share issue and talk persisted of sovereign wealth fund interest in the British oil major, boosting its shares on Tuesday even as its Gulf of Mexico oil slick spread...


BP Eyes Stake Sale as Spill Cost Tops $3 Billion

06.07.2010 - Shareholders in British oil company BP balked at reports it would seek urgent investment from a wealthy Middle East or Asian country as clean-up costs for its U.S. oil spill topped...


Spill Relief Well Weeks Away, Hurricane Hinders Cleanup

01.07.2010 - A relief well that might divert the gushing Gulf of Mexico oil leak is still weeks from completion, a top U.S. official said on Wednesday, as the season's first Atlantic hurricane...


Document Shows BP Estimates Spill up to 100,000 bpd

21.06.2010 - An internal BP document released on Sunday by a senior U.S. congressional Democrat shows that the company estimates that a worst-case scenario rate for the Gulf of Mexico oil spill...


Gulf Drilling Halt Starts To Sting Companies

17.06.2010 - The moratorium on deepwater drilling in the Gulf of Mexico has begun to bite oilfield service companies, with market analysts now forecasting lower than expected spending on new...