
The Lohtragon Contribution to Excellence in Ceramics and Glass

Empowering glass, ceramics and dental ceramics with Lohtragon metal salts for functional enhancements, coloring, sintering, and more.

The global market for ceramics and glass is a dynamic and multifaceted sector that plays an essential role in a wide range of industries. From construction and automotive to healthcare, medical devices and electronics, these materials offer unique properties that make them invaluable in diverse applications. Lohtragon offers dedicated high quality precursors for ceramics and glass – your solution for excellence in these application areas. Contact our technical experts with any product and quality request!

Diverse Functions of Lohtragon Metal Salts in Ceramics

Ceramics include a broad range of materials, ranging from traditional clay-based ceramics to advanced technical ceramics such as zirconia and alumina. These are used in applications like pottery, electrical insulation, aerospace components, and medical implants. Ceramics are particularly known for their resistance to high temperatures, electrical and thermal insulation properties, and bio-inertness. Metal salts are one of the key components of these ceramic materials, taking over various functions. Here is an extract of how Lohtragon makes a difference:

  • Coloring Agents & Glaze Effects: Metal salts are versatile coloring agents for ceramics, offering a wide palette of colors and the ability to create various surface finishes and effects. Their influence on the ceramic color is a result of the specific metal ions they contain and their interactions within the ceramic material. For example, copper can create green or blue colors, while iron can yield red, brown, or yellow hues. By adjusting the type and concentration of the metal salt, glossy, matte, or crystalline surface finishes can be realized. Benefit from precise control and ceramic design and set your desired color and glaze effect with Lohtragon metal salts, such as:
  • Sintering Aids: Metal salts serving as fluxing agents are a key component in ceramic manufacturing, contributing to more efficient and effective sintering processes. They can lower sintering temperatures, improve material density, and enhance the overall quality and performance of ceramics. Streamline your sintering process with fluxing agents, like:
  • Functional Additives: Functional additives are versatile tools, allowing to further optimize and individually set up the desired ceramics. Enhance the performance of ceramics in terms of thermal stability, hardness, electrical conductivity, texture, and chemical resistance by using Lohtragon precursors, including:

Prior, we have focused on the Lohtragon functions in ceramics. Learn more about this application field, including case studies for dental ceramics, medical implants and ceramic inkjets, as well as to discover our Lohtragon contribution for glass.

Do You Face Specific Requirements?

With your requirements being specific, partner with us to discover the advantages of employing Lohtragon products for ceramics and glass, and use the option for tailor-made solutions meeting your unique industry requirements.

Our Lohtragon metal salts are manufactured by us at our two German production sites.

Reach out to our team of experts – we look forward to you inquiry for ceramics and glass!


Phone: +49 5155 63 5888


Lohtragon – A brand of Dr. Paul Lohmann
The Dr. Paul Lohmann GmbH & Co. KGaA is the world's leading manufacturer of mineral and metal salts, headquartered in Emmerthal/Germany. The product portfolio covers over 400 different salts in more than 7,000 specifications. Dr. Paul Lohmann® supplies its specialty salts worldwide to customers in the pharmaceutical industry, food sector, food supplements, cosmetics and – synergized under the Lohtragon brand – to customers in industrial applications.

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Dr. Paul Lohmann GmbH & Co. KGaA

Hauptstraße 2
31860 Emmerthal

+49 (0)5155 63-5888
+49 (0)5155 63-5834