
Thermo Fisher Expands Clinical Research Laboratory in Wisconsin

24.06.2024 - US scientific services supplier Thermo Fisher Scientific has opened a new 72,500-square-foot clinical research laboratory building at its good manufacturing practices (GMP) lab in Middleton, Wisconsin, USA.

The new facility, in which the company invested $58 million, increases the site’s chemistry, manufacturing and control (CMC) analytical capabilities as part of its clinical development and laboratory services. The expansion is expected to add up to 350 additional scientists and laboratory support workers to the almost 2,300 employees working across the research campus.

“As research in biopharmaceutical therapies continues to rapidly expand, we are excited to expand our overall capacity and capabilities in laboratory services to help our customers deliver therapies that meet the highest quality and safety standards for patients,” said Leon Wyszkowski, president, analytical services and clinical research at Thermo Fisher.

According to Thermo Fisher, the GMP site offers analytical services for small molecules and biologics, including biopharmaceuticals, inhaled pharmaceuticals and device testing, cell and gene therapy, protein characterization and mass spectrometry analysis for all phases of drug development.

Earlier this year, Thermo Fisher already announced the addition of biosafety testing to its GMP portfolio of services at the Middleton facility. With the addition of this capability, as well as the addition of the new building, the site offers a full complement of end-to-end laboratory services, the company said.