- Up In The Clouds - Product safety specifications are increasing sharply around the world, and industrial enterprises must list the material composition of their products precisely...
- Speed And Accuracy - As project schedules and budgets continue to get shorter and tighter, automation will continue to be a key driver in an organization's ability to increase...
- Competitive Edge - The European chemical industry would like to be exempted from any additional energy costs stemming from state subsidies of renewables. Without being freed from...
- Survival of the Most Adaptable - "It is not the strongest that survives, nor the most intelligent. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change." Charles Darwin's statement...
- CHEManager Europe: How will the trends and challenges described by the term "Industry 4.0" affect the chemical industry in particular? Marko Lange: In order to understand what...
- Computer Aided Production - Process manufacturers are under constant pressure to optimize their operations and meet customer demand. Along with market volatility, refining...
- Energy - Of all energy resources, oil and coal dominate global consumption. While natural gas currently holds a significant share of the energy market, newly discovered shale gas...
- Drop by Drop - Recycling holds the key to sustainable use of industrial process water. Closed-loop water management reduces water consumption, provides a basis for material...