Chemistry & Life Sciences

Information Requirements

15.12.2009 - Alternative Methods - Compilation of dossiers that contain hazards and risks of chemicals have been required for previous chemical regulatory schemes, however, Reach brings a...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

More Energy, Less Carbon Dioxide: Interview with Sven Royall, Shell Chemicals Vice President Global Intermediates

15.12.2009 - Environmental Issues - By 2050, our world will require double the energy we use today. At the same time greenhouse gas emissions need to be brought down to prevent catastrophic...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Get the Best Out of Your Personnel

15.12.2009 - Challenging - It is very difficult to be successful in the highly customer-driven market of custom manufacturing and synthesis. The key success factors are completely different to...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Problems Pre-programmed

15.12.2009 - Regulation Rumbling - Reach now impacts not only the chemical industry, but also downstream users of chemicals, which are already under the control of other regulations creating...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Dispersing Carbon Nanotubes

11.12.2009 - When in 1991 carbon nanotubes (CNT) were first observed by Prof. ­Iijima, no one would ever have thought that this new form of carbon would become one of the most exciting...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Outstanding Achievements

11.12.2009 - Cognis recently adopted a new set of guidelines that combine the internationally recognized 24 principles of Green Chemistry and Green Engineering. By doing so, the company is both...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

High Cost-saving Potential

11.12.2009 - In recent years the Russian refining and petrochemical industry has gone through different periods: breakdown, stabilization and boost. Now it is dusting itself off and starting to...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

ANDA Approved?

11.12.2009 - Better Business - The FDA is increasing regulatory oversight as generic drugs gain importance in today's economy. The topic of generic drugs is becoming more important than ever...