Chemistry & Life Sciences

Protecting the Crown Jewels

18.05.2010 - No Risk - Whether you are outsourcing product development or manufacture, it is crucial to ensure that you have a clear understanding of all intellectual property aspects of the...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Sustainable Building Solutions

18.05.2010 - Everlasting - Energy and resource consumption are increasing worldwide - and environmental impact with it. Since fossil fuels and resources such as water are finite, saving energy...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Turning Point

18.05.2010 - Sharp Focus - 2010 could be a watershed year for the excipient sector in Europe as amendments to the falsified medicines directive bring excipient quality and safety considerations...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Becoming Greener

18.05.2010 - "Meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their needs." - Gro Harlem Brundtland, 1987 This quote captures the essence of what...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Q-Foil Opens Up New Possibilities

14.04.2010 - New Technology - The Q-foil, a sensor technology developed by isiQiri interface technologies, makes it possible to equip large areas with continuous photodetectors that are...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Brand Protection – No Chance for Plagiarizers

14.04.2010 - Organic and printed electronics offers novel solutions for the brand protection of consumer goods and industrial products. Electrically coded radio tags link back to the legitimate...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Creating Value Through Differentiation

14.04.2010 - Pushing Forward - On May 31-June 2, the European Association of Chemical Distributors (FECC) will be conducting its annual congress in Barcelona. Over the years, the FECC annual...

Chemistry & Life Sciences

Coatings Additives – Sustainable in Every Sense

31.03.2010 - Fostering Success - Today's paints and coatings market poses many challenges for both manufacturers and suppliers. Increasingly stricter regulatory requirements coupled with...