
Bayer Names Ex-Novartis Manager as Health Care Boss

22.04.2010 -

Bayer named former Novartis manager Joerg Reinhardt to head its burgeoning health care division, bringing in expertise to help expand the company's core business.

Reinhardt, 54, had once been tipped as a possible successor to former Novartis Chief Executive Daniel Vasella, but instead it was announced in January that he was leaving the company after someone else was given the top job.

German-born Reinhardt had been chief operating officer of Bayer's Swiss rival since returning from a stint in the U.S. at the end of 2008. Reinhardt will replace Arthur Higgins as Health Care CEO at Bayer and takes office on Aug. 15, Germany's largest drug maker said on Wednesday.

Higgins, who is also 54, is leaving Bayer at his own request on April 30 after heading the Health Care division for almost six years. Bayer CEO-designate Marijn Dekkers will head the Health Care division in the interim until Reinhardt takes office.