Keyword: USA


Canadian Crude Reaches Europe as U.S. Shale Oil Booms

22.01.2013 - The United States now gets so much crude from its own shale deposits that Canadian exporters are selling as far afield as Europe, showing how deeply the U.S. energy revolution is...


U.S. Government Investment Gives Flu Vaccines a Shot in the Arm

19.01.2013 - Fighting the flu may soon get easier. As early as next year, more modern and more effective vaccines will hit the market, thanks to investments by the U.S. government and...


U.S. Shale Boom Redraws LPG Market Map

18.01.2013 - Soaring U.S. exports of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG), a side product of the shale boom, are giving energy markets a taste of the tectonic changes they could see if and when the...


Roche Says US Allows it to Tap Adult Tamiflu Reserves

18.01.2013 - Roche Holding said U.S. regulators will allow it to begin selling the company's reserve stock of adult Tamiflu capsules, and that the extra supplies of the flu treatment should...


Genetically Modified Food Labeling Measure to Qualify for Washington State Ballot

05.01.2013 - A measure to require special labeling of genetically modified foods appeared virtually certain to qualify for the ballot in Washington state on Friday, two months after voters in...


Transocean to Pay $1.4 Billion for Role in BP Oil Spill

04.01.2013 - Transocean agreed to pay $1.4 billion to settle U.S. government charges over BP's massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010 and the rig contractor admitted that its crew on the...


Medtech Companies Face Job Cuts

21.12.2012 - The U.S. medical technology industry, once a haven for secure, high-paying jobs, is blaming a new tax meant to help fund the Affordable Care Act for upcoming layoffs. But even if...


Britain Lifts Shale Gas Ban, Imposes Tighter Rules

13.12.2012 - Britain lifted its ban on shale gas exploration on Thursday as it aims to become a European leader in a sector that has transformed the U.S. energy market and counter a fall in the...