Keyword: US Supreme Court


U.S. Supreme Court Rules for Monsanto in Patent Fight

18.07.2013 - The U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Monday that an Indiana farmer violated agribusiness company Monsanto's patent for a type of soybean. In a case closely watched by the biotechnology...


US Supreme Court Rules Against Amgen in Class Action

27.02.2013 - The U.S. Supreme Court made it easier on Wednesday to bring class action lawsuits, breaking a line of rulings that had made it more difficult to sue corporate defendants...


Agriculture Wary as Monsanto Heads to Supreme Court

15.02.2013 - A 75-year-old Indiana grain farmer will take on global seed giant Monsanto at the U.S. Supreme Court next week in a patent battle that could have ramifications for the...


U.S. Supreme Court to Review Lawsuits over Flaws in Generic Drugs

02.12.2012 - The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday agreed to consider whether generic drug manufacturers can be subjected to personal injury lawsuits that allege flaws in the design of drugs, even...


US High Court Rejects Allergan's Sanctura Patent Appeal

15.10.2012 - The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday rejected Allergans appeal of a ruling that favored generic drugmaker Watson Pharmaceuticals over patents related to the treatment of an overactive...


FTC Takes "Pay for Delay" Drug Case to U.S. Supreme Court

05.10.2012 - The Federal Trade Commission asked the US Supreme Court on Thursday to take up its fight against deals between brand-name drug companies and generic firms which they say delay the...


Myriad Wins Gene Patent Ruling from US Appeals Court

16.08.2012 - A federal appeals court on Thursday revived its decision to uphold Myriad Genetics's patents on two genes linked to breast and ovarian cancer, after the U.S. Supreme Court told it...


U.S. Appeals Court Reconsiders Myriad Gene Patent Ruling

21.07.2012 - Myriad Genetics illegally patented acts of nature when it claimed ownership of two genes linked to cancer, the federal government told an appeals court on Friday. Lawyers from...