Keyword: US shale gas


Refiner Phillips 66 Would Support US Crude Oil Exports

14.12.2012 - U.S.-based refiner Phillips 66 said Thursday it would support exports of crude oil from the United States, arguing the boost they would give the country's economy would trump the...


Niche French Chemical Firms Ride U.S. Shale Gas Wave

05.12.2012 - France may have banned the controversial hydro-fracking extraction technology, but the shale gas revolution in the United States is proving a boon for small, specialised French...


BHP Leaves Door Open to U.S. Shale Gas Write-down

14.05.2012 - BHP Billiton's petroleum chief executive left the door open to the possibility of a write-down on the company's U.S. shale gas assets on Monday, but defended their long-term value...