Keyword: Russia Ukraine conflict


US Shale Gas Firms Merge as Energy Prices Soar

08.03.2022 -

After two years of relative quiet on the drilling front between the market glut and the coronavirus pandemic, US interest in shale is picking up again as energy prices...


Wintershall Dea to Write off Nord Stream 2 Financing

07.03.2022 -

Under pressure from economic sanctions imposed on Russian assets by Europe and the US after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, Wintershall Dea, the German oil and gas producer...


Shell, Equinor Quit Russian Joint Ventures

01.03.2022 -

Hot on the heels of BP’s decision to quit its Russian shareholding, Shell and Equinor have announced they too will exit their joint ventures in the country, following its...


BP to Exit $14 Billion Rosneft Shareholding

28.02.2022 -

Western energy companies pursuing projects with Russia are feeling the heat after that country’s invasion of Ukraine, and UK giant BP has become the first to announce...


Russia Tightens Customs Rules for Chemicals, Other Goods from Ukraine

16.08.2013 - It began with chocolates but now Moscow has tightened checks on all imports from Ukraine in what some say is an attempt to dissuade its neighbor from turning towards Europe and...