Keyword: ReinRaumTechnik 3/2015

Plant Construction & Process Technology

Facility of the Year Awards 2015

10.06.2015 -

The 11th annual ISPE Facility of the Year Awards (FOYA) program announced its 2015 FOYA Category Award winners: AstraZeneca China (Project Execution), Astellas Pharma...

Plant Construction & Process Technology

Modern Cleanroom Computation

10.06.2015 -

Bringing vaccine manufacturing vali-dation to the next level using CFD: Creaform upgrades the regulatory compliance process of pharmaceu­tical environments.

Plant Construction & Process Technology

Cleanzone 2015

10.06.2015 -

The international trade fair for cleanroom technology is expanding the focus on construction and engineering.

Plant Construction & Process Technology

Setting New Standards

10.06.2015 -

Pharmaceutical companies and equipment manufacturers all over the world are facing new challenges due to the continuing boom in biopharmaceuticals.

Plant Construction & Process Technology

Collection Matting

10.06.2015 - The two presented studies show the efficiency of the VWR collection peel-off mats in removing bio burden with a Wheel Contact Test and a Wheel Airborne Test. Wheel Contact Test For...

Plant Construction & Process Technology

Quality and Efficiency in Pharma Manu­facturing

10.06.2015 - The pharmaceutical industry is confronting a variety of new and complex challenges in the face of globalization and changing market dynamics. The past decade has witnessed a...