Keyword: lawsuits


Transocean to Pay $1.4 Billion for Role in BP Oil Spill

04.01.2013 - Transocean agreed to pay $1.4 billion to settle U.S. government charges over BP's massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010 and the rig contractor admitted that its crew on the...


U.S. Judge Approves Settlement in BP Class Action Suit

23.12.2012 - A U.S. judge on Friday gave final approval to BP's settlement with individuals and businesses who lost money and property in the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. The order only...


Eli Lilly to Pay $29 Million to Settle US SEC Bribery Case

21.12.2012 - U.S. drugmaker Eli Lilly agreed on Thursday to pay $29 million to settle civil charges that its subsidiaries made improper payments to foreign government officials to win business...


U.S. Court Approves Amgen's $762 Million Payment in Drug Case

20.12.2012 - A federal judge on Wednesday approved a $762 million payment from Amgen, the final step to resolve nearly a dozen criminal and civil cases stemming from the sale of its once...


Amgen Pleads Guilty to Misbranding Charges, Will Pay $762 Million

18.12.2012 - Amgen pleaded guilty in a federal court in New York on Tuesday to misbranding its Aranesp anemia drug and agreed to pay $762 million in a civil settlement and criminal fines. The...


Top EU Court Upholds AstraZeneca Fine Over Ulcer Drug

06.12.2012 - The European Union's highest court has upheld a €52.5 million ($69 million) antitrust fine levied against AstraZeneca for blocking the entry of cheaper rivals to its then...


U.S. Supreme Court to Review Lawsuits over Flaws in Generic Drugs

02.12.2012 - The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday agreed to consider whether generic drug manufacturers can be subjected to personal injury lawsuits that allege flaws in the design of drugs, even...


U.S. Supreme Court to Decide if Human Genes Patentable

01.12.2012 - The U.S. Supreme Court on Friday agreed to decide whether human genes can be patented, a hotly contested issue with broad practical and ethical consequences for the future of gene...