Keyword: Japan tsunami


Japan Nuclear Crisis Update

23.03.2011 - Following are main developments after a massive earthquake and tsunami devastated northeast Japan and crippled a nuclear power station, raising the risk of uncontrolled radiation....


Mitsubishi Chem Restarts Odawara Facility

23.03.2011 - Mitsubishi Chemical Holdings said it restarted full operations at its Odawara facility, which makes components for liquid crystal displays and printers, on Wednesday after it was...


Russia Set To Double Oil Supply To Japan

23.03.2011 - Russia is set to double its crude oil supply to earthquake-devastated Japan this year to some 18 million tons as a part of an energy aid package, top Russian energy official Igor...


Fukushima Daiichi Has Records of Problems

22.03.2011 - When the massive tsunami smacked into Fukushima Daiichi, the nuclear power plant was stacked high with more uranium than it was originally designed to hold and had repeatedly...


Asia Naphtha/Gasoline Cracks Prices Hit Weekly High

22.03.2011 - Asia's naphtha price and cracks were both at their highest in about a week on Monday, but the rally could run its course soon as traders were not convinced that supplies were as...


India Refiners Delay Shutdowns As Japan Crisis Pumps Diesel Prices

22.03.2011 - Indian state refiners have dropped shutdown plans for April in a sign of the widening impact of Japan's crisis on global oil markets, and calls for Reliance to be allowed to sell...


Crisis in Japan: One Week On

21.03.2011 - Following are main developments after a massive earthquake and tsunami devastated northeast Japan and crippled a nuclear power station, raising the risk of uncontrolled radiation....


Warren Buffett: Japan A 'Buying Opportunity', Will Recover

21.03.2011 - Billionaire investor Warren Buffett believes Japan's devastating earthquake is the kind of extraordinary event that creates a buying opportunity for shares in Japanese companies...