Keyword: Haldor Topsoe


Danish Group Build World’s First Green Ammonia plant

15.12.2020 -

A Danish group, comprising catalyst and technology company Haldor Topsoe, sustainable energy company Vestas and renewable energy developer Skovgaard Invest, plans to...


Braskem and Topsoe Start Bio-MEG Demo Unit

30.11.2020 -

Brazilian petrochemical giant Braskem and Danish catalysis and technology company Haldor Topsoe have announced they have achieved their first-ever production of bio-based...


Air Products and Haldor Topsoe in Global Alliance

17.05.2020 - US industrial gases producer Air Products and Danish high-performance catalyst specialist Haldor Topsoe have agreed a global alliance to collaborate on large-scale ammonia...


Temasek Takes Stake in Haldor Topsoe

22.03.2019 - Singapore investment company Temasek has agreed to buy a 30% stake in Danish catalyst and technology company Haldor Topsoe. Financial terms were not disclosed. The transaction is...


Haldor Topsoe Takes Control of Ferrostaal JV

22.08.2018 - Danish technology and catalysis group Haldor Topsoe has bought out partner Ferrostaal’s 50% stake in their Ferrostaal Topsoe Projects joint venture, gaining full control. Financial...


Haldor Topsoe Seeks Minority Investors

18.06.2018 - Danish technology and catalysis company Haldor Topsoe is seeking minority investors to accelerate its growth and further strengthen the business. The company is currently 100%...


Haldor Topsoe Forms China R&D jv

22.02.2018 - Danish catalysis and technology company Haldor Topsoe has signed an agreement with Jiangsu Industrial Technology Research Institute (JITRI) and Xiangcheng Suzhou District to form a...


Braskem and Topsoe Cooperate on Bio-based MEG

13.11.2017 - Brazilian petrochemical group Braskem is cooperating with Danish catalysts producer Haldor Topsoe to develop a new route to produce MEG from sugar. The project is based on a two...