Keyword: Gulf of Mexico


NOAA: Oil Spill Effects in Gulf Largely Unknown

19.11.2010 - Scientists have only begun to understand the impact of the BP Plc oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, a top U.S. fisheries official said on Thursday. While 37% of the Gulf's...


Test Shows No Health Risk to Food From Spill

01.11.2010 - Testing has helped confirm that chemicals used to disperse oil from the BP spill have not made their way into fish, crabs, shrimp or oysters from the Gulf of Mexico, U.S. officials...


BP's Last Steps To Kill Gulf Well

20.08.2010 - BP is in the last stages of killing its ruptured Macondo oil well in the Gulf of Mexico, a new set of steps will push the final plugging process into September. Here is how the...


BP Spill Left Deep-water Oil Plume

20.08.2010 - The BP oil spill left a large plume of hydrocarbons in deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico, and those chemicals could be there for some time, oceanographers reported on Thursday. At...


Little Known About Oil Dispersants, Experts Say

06.08.2010 - Oil from BP s blown-out well has stopped flowing into the Gulf of Mexico and so far there is little sign of the 1.8 million gallons of dispersants used to combat the oil slick. But...


Obama Says 'Long Battle' In Gulf Close To End

05.08.2010 - BP said on Wednesday it was close to subduing its ruptured Gulf of Mexico oil well, and the White House hailed the "beginning of the end" of efforts to contain the worst spill in U...


Pumped Mud Holds Well Shut; BP Execs Visit Russia

04.08.2010 - Oil giant BP claimed "a significant milestone" on Wednesday in its efforts to plug for good the well that spewed millions of barrels of crude into the Gulf of Mexico over three...


Developments In The Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill

04.08.2010 - Here are some developments in BP's Gulf of Mexico oil spill, the largest offshore oil disaster in U.S. history. Top Developments• BP fine-tuned its equipment on Tuesday to deliver...